We're the greatest class alive -- We're the Class of '75

Class of 1975 Reunion Information

Reunion Information
Class Reunion Committee
In Memory
Class Officers and Advisors
Classmates Attending
Missing Class Mates
My Resignation
Remember when .......
Sign our guestbook
Email Addresses
Our Alma Mater

As you know, this web site is an on-going project. As new information becomes available, I will be adding it as quickly as possible. Please check back often to stay updated. You might want to bookmark it, or add it to your favorites to find it more easily. I hope you enjoy this site as much as I enjoyed building it for THE CLASS OF 1975 !!

REMEMBER .........

As Bulldogs and Chargers from East and Antietam,
We joined to form a class that has yet to be beaten.

Our spaghetti dinner and bake sale were absolutely supreme,
While selling candles and candy helped finalize our dream.

The first to go to Florida. Oh, what a joy,
What a sight, an eight bus convoy.

School Spirit higher than ever before.
Our All-School Productions made crowds roar.

Our athletic teams were all so grand,
and who can forget that fantastic band.

Tresa, Erin, Alex and Lou have since passed on,
But our thoughts and memories of them will always live on.

Of one thing there is no doubt,
let us all proudly stand and shout.

We're the greatest class alive,
for we're the CLASS OF '75.

Five years of growth and change have passed,
since July of '80 in Gettysburg when we assembled last.

Two fellow class mates have since passed away,
Please remember Dan and Don, in our thoughts today.

In July of '85 we reunited again,
at the Waynesboro F.O.E. for year ten.

The Family Picnic at Mont Alto State Park was a lot of fun,
A fantastic weekend when all was said and done.

We met at the Hagerstown Elk's Club to celebrate 15 years.
The reunion committee deserves our thanks and cheers.

Since then we have lost Matt Hasty, our classmate and friend,
Let's remember him during the 1995 Homecoming Weekend.

Enjoy this time together and stay in touch if you can,
Until five years from now, when we gather again.

Composed by Michael King and Michael Small

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, suggestions for the reunion, know where any missing class mates are, found an error or just wanna say hey, email me at rihelt@mail.cvn.net and I will get back with you as quickly as possible.


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This site is compliments of Teri Yoder-Rihel of WW Web Writers
Last Updated - October 2, 1999
This page was built using graphics from the Waynesboro Area School District's Web Site.